Chapala Cover

Chapala Cover

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Root Canal

Root canals, a type of treatment that is intended to repair and save an extremely decayed and infected tooth. Root canal treatment is needed when the blood vessels and nerves within a tooth become damaged or infected. During this type of treatment, the pulp will be removed and inside of the tooth will be completely cleaned out and then sealed.

Root canal treatment typically requires more than one office visit. The very first step of the process to start with an X-ray so the shape of the root canals can be seen and if there are any infections around the surrounding bone. Often times, local anesthesia is used to numb the area.

An access hole will be drilled into the tooth. Next, the bacteria, pulp, and other debris will be cleaned out from the tooth. Sodium hypochlorite or water is used to flush away any debris. Once the tooth is cleaned out thoroughly, it will need to be sealed, unless there is an infection present. A temporary filling will be placed until the next appointment where the permanent tooth will be placed.

The final step may need further restoration. A tooth needing root canal treatment has extensive decay and other restoration may need to be placed prior to putting a crown in.

For further information regarding root canal treatment, please contact Dr. Hema Chapala DDS at Trident Family Dentistry at one of the following offices:
Dallas, TX – 972-241-4820
Richardson, TX – 214-812-9756

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